安远东江大酒店 安远东江大酒店位于商业区核心地段龙泉路161号东江大厦内,楼下就是一江两岸景观,毗邻步行街、美食广场、大型购物广场、驱车至车站数分钟车程,地理位置优越,交通极为便利,是入住的理想选择。 134

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安远城北之星主题酒店 安远城北之星主题酒店现代简约的大堂装饰,雅致宁静,为宾客提供了舒适的入住环境。营业面积为1600平方米,酒店拥有豪华双人间,豪华单间,标间,豪华圆床情侣房,豪华商务套房等42个房间, 格调典雅,精致的室内空间融现代化时尚风格,每一个细节都彰显了酒店无微不至的关怀。 133

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安远微速连锁酒店(原花旗宾馆) 不论是商务还是休闲旅客,安远微速连锁酒店都能让您的赣州之行变得更加美好而难忘。酒店位于离赣州黄金机场大约148km,离赣州站大约159km的地方。旅客可以在闲暇时间去酒店的休闲区,提升健康幸福感。 80

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安远康莱博国际酒店 康莱博国际酒店(安远店)深圳康莱博酒店集团的前身是江西长征酒店集团,创立于2000年。是一家集酒店开发、管理、经营为一体的集团公司,历经19年,现集团旗下在赣州地区已发展至十余家主权经营的星级酒店,品牌创立以来,一直专注以酒店服务业为主拓展连锁经营。集团在深圳的高星级酒店已经立项筹建,将走出江西,扎根深圳,展望全国。集团旗下的康莱博国际酒店(石城店)、(信丰)、(恒盛店)、(兴国)已在筹建中。深圳康莱博酒店集团将在2025年之前,发展成为一家国内知名的星级连锁酒店品牌。康莱博国际酒店(安远店)是深圳康莱博酒店集团投资兴建的第十六家连锁店,以餐饮住宿为一体的高星级酒店。按准五星级酒店标准设计建造,酒店位于安远大道中央公园19号、靠近体育馆和采茶剧院属于安远县区商业文化核心地段。交通便捷,时尚的装修格调、五星的服务理念,让您更能感受现代都市生活带来的愉悦。酒店主楼高16层,建筑面积17000多平方米,拥有总统套房、高档豪华、温馨舒适的各类客房224套,配备多元化的设计风格,享受温馨舒适的同时更能感受时尚带来的艺术气息。酒店配备配套完善的会议场所及多功能宴会厅,西餐厅,先进的多媒体系统和声像设备可满足各种规模、各种形式宴会及会议之需求,为宾客提供优质的服务是康莱博酒店的不懈追求,酒店还配有充足的停车位,是您商务、会议、旅游、的理想下榻酒店。酒店包厢酒店特别打造了满足各类招待需求的特色大、中、小包厢,装饰精致,美轮美奂。酒店为热爱本土菜系的尊贵客人,邀请了地道的赣厨大师为您主理赣系私房菜,在主理赣菜的同时,各类粤菜、海鲜出品皆属上品。使您足不出赣即可品尝到地道的粤式菜肴,为您留下美好的味蕾回忆。酒店中餐部秉承营养、健康、绿色、养生的经营理念,星级标准的服务品质。追求卓越,力创打造一个时尚、创新、高端的顶级餐饮品牌,专业品质服务,让您酬宾省心,尽享容华尊贵。宴会与商务酒店三、四楼配有超豪华10米层高无柱式多功能宴会厅,最先进的LED大屏幕、智能化控制系统、世界领先的视听系统为您的商务接待和宴会提供了一流的服务保障。宴会厅多元化现代装饰风格,配以地道的私房赣菜、星级宴会接待标准,必能为您的宴会增色添彩,宾主尽欢。在宴会厅可接待婚宴、喜宴、高端商务聚会、精品晚会,主题沙龙活动。系列套餐佳肴,专业品质服务,让您酬宾省心、尽享荣华尊贵。饮食服务酒店特别打造了满足各种招待需求的特色的大中小中餐包房,装饰精致,美仑美奂。酒店为热爱本土菜系的尊贵客人邀请了地道的赣厨大师为您主理赣系私房菜,在主理赣菜的同时,各类粤菜、海鲜出品皆属上品,使您足不出赣即可品尝到地道的粤式菜肴。为您留下美好的味蕾回忆。酒店中餐部秉承营养、健康、绿色、养生的经营理念,星级标准的服务品质。追求卓越,力创在赣州打造一个时尚、创新,高端的顶级餐饮品牌。客房酒店配有各式精心打造的高级单床房、高级双床房、豪华大床房、豪华双床房、行政大床房、行政双床房、豪华套房、总统套房共224间/套豪华客房,卓越品质服务,带给您最尊贵,舒适,难忘的入住体验。高标准星级配套,私密空间无限温情。 182

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两天半旅游圈线路图 沿途景点龙泉山森林公园龙泉山森林公园,位于三百山西北部的县城东北郊。总面积0.33平方公里,林茂山幽,山下湖水碧波荡漾,历来是游客踏青揽胜、登高怀古的好去处。1943年,蒋经国先生曾在此避暑三个月,在龙泉山道观手书"行怡避暑"字匾。主要景物景观有龙泉书院、龙泉湖、九曲桥、湖心亭、游泳池、龙泉湖宾馆、万寿宫等。东风湖游客服务中心东风湖游客服务中心位于凤山乡东河村,项目总投资约4900万元,规划用地面积约250亩,于2017年7月底开工建设,主要建设游客服务中心、文化商业街、停车广场、汽车营地及通往东风湖码头的隧道,其中游客服务中心建筑面积约2226平方米,共三层,一层主要为游客服务区,二层为展厅,三层为办公区。文化商业街建筑面积约2216平方米,共五栋均为一层建筑。停车广场占地面积约30000平方米,主要建设大巴车停车区和小车停车区、电瓶车停车区,大巴车停车位20个,小汽车停车位446个,电瓶车停车位36个,汽车营地占地面积15000平方米,隧道长120米。东风湖游客服务中心项目启源东河口,美邻东风湖,是安远东、北部进入三百山景区的东大门,为游客提供接待服务及配套旅游体验,是北部省区来客的便捷出入口。目前,该项目正在进行土方平整,下一步将进行主体工程施工。东风湖码头东风湖码头项目位于凤山乡东河村,项目总投资约900万元,规划用地面积约20亩,规划建筑总面积约1700平方米,2017年5月底开工建设,主要建设坳背码头(上码头)和三伯公庙码头(下码头),其中,坳背码头占地面积6500平方米,总建筑面积727平方米,三伯公庙码头占地面积6100平方米,总建筑面积922平方米,两个码头主要建设候船大厅、售票处、观景广场、码头广场、26个电瓶车停车位和登船浮动码头。东风湖码头项目是游客从风光旖旎的东风湖延水路进入三百山景区的便捷入口,也是我县加强生态环境保护与开发利用的重要举措,该项目的建成将进一步彰显我县旅游品位。目前该项目已基本完成土方平整,即将进行主体工程施工。虎岗温泉(热泉河汤谷温泉)虎岗温泉位于三百山国家风景名胜区南隅,省道寻信线旁,总面积2平方公里。虎岗温泉日流量2150吨,出水温度高达79℃,在全省均居前列,泉水中含硒、硫、氟、铁等多种化学成份及微量元素。虎岗温泉已建有宾馆、游泳池等接待设施,目前已初具接待能力,是人们度假休闲疗养的好去处。无为寺塔与无为塔(宋代)无为寺塔,位于安远县城西北角的无为公园内,建于宋绍圣四年(1097年),由县人杜监主持七望族建造。因位于"无为寺"(建于唐长庆四年,后毁)后,故名无为寺塔。该塔为穿壁绕廊楼阁式砖塔,以黄泥拌稻谷壳和少量稻草筋砌结而成。塔高61.3米(塔刹8米),塔体呈锥形,外观六面九层,每层设飞檐、平座和栏杆,有门,龛各三,相互间隔,翘角吊挂驱雀铜铃,塔刹以铁铸相轮和刹链及宝胡芦组成,塔内楼17层,分明层和暗层,暗层为通道、内壁各面设门或龛各一。底层为大回廊,勾栏环绕而上可登塔顶。1984年进行了全面维修,1957年公布为第一批省文物保护单位,2006年5月经国务院批准公布为第六批国家重点文物保护单位。无为塔,国家重点文物保护单位,位于江西安远县城西侧,宋绍圣四年(1097年)建造,讫今已有900多年的历史。1982年对古塔进行维修。今塔身高55米,塔刹高6.5米,古塔为六面九级,塔内设有明暗层共计17层,步阶梯穿楼可登至塔楼顶层。
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三百山最佳游览线路推荐 A1:过桥垄游客服务中心-福鳌塘停车场-护源石-滴水观音(思源亭)-东江第一瀑-漫云栈道-玻璃眺台-玻璃栈道-玻璃天桥-天印奇松-翠竹林电瓶车站-望天瀑-思源宝鼎-翠竹林餐厅。
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土鸡蛋 土鸡蛋(英文名称:native egg)人们通常把在农家自然环境中的散养鸡所生的蛋称为土鸡蛋,或称为柴鸡蛋。土鸡在自然环境中生长,呼吸干净新鲜的空气,吃的也都是天然食物,产出的鸡蛋品质自然会好。土鸡产蛋很少,养分积累周期长,水分含量少,所含的欧咪伽—3不饱和脂肪酸(ω-3)和磷脂更高一些,这两种物质可以促进胆固醇的代谢,对保护心血管非常有好处,而欧咪伽—3不饱和脂肪酸更是我们生命的保护神。土鸡蛋微量元素含量高。土鸡蛋无激素和抗生素残留。土鸡蛋在自然环境下生长,受人为因素干扰少,不存在吃了皮革粉、肉骨粉和药渣等含有激素和抗生素的"饲料"等问题,因而抗生素在鸡蛋中残留少,不会引起耐药性的病原菌株数量增加,被变异细菌感染患病后,治愈困难,对人体无潜在危害性。土鸡蛋口感更好土鸡蛋中的脂肪含量更高,所以蛋黄较大,非常适合做煮鸡蛋和煎蛋,简单的烹调方法能将它优良的口感完全发挥出来。而普通鸡蛋的蛋清较多,适合做蒸蛋或打蛋花用。土鸡蛋的口感更好。
小冬瓜 小冬瓜是冬瓜中小果型品种的统称,光温室内进行早熟栽培。小冬瓜对温度的要求比较高,尤其是开始坐果期温度低,不利于受粉和坐果。营养价值1.含蛋白、糖类、胡萝卜素、多种维生素、粗纤维和钙、磷、铁,且钾盐含量高,钠盐含量低。 2.冬瓜中所含的丙醇二酸,能有效地抑制糖类转化为脂肪。 3.冬瓜汁及冬瓜提取物能增加动物排尿量,减轻由升汞引起的肾病病变程度,并具有显著减少血清肌醉含量的作用。病理组织学显示,冬瓜总氨酸(大剂量)、冬瓜葫芦素对升汞引起的肾损伤均有较明显的保护和阻断作用。 4.冬瓜种子很有脂肪油腺嘌呤蛋白质糖类维生素B1维生素B2烟酸以及葫芦巴碱等成分适用人群一般人群均可食用。尤适宜肾病、水肿、脚气病、癌症、糖尿病、冠心病患者。禁忌人群:脾胃虚寒、肾脏虚寒、阳虚肢冷者慎食
火炬南瓜 火炬南瓜又名贵族南瓜,种植于新疆天山,在一片干净无污染的土地上,经过六个月的萌芽生根、开花结果,再结合新疆的气候优势,长时间的日照积累了大量的糖分积淀,照就了贵族南瓜的香甜可口和独特的口感。口感:拥有着南瓜的外表 板栗的内心,吃起来粉糯香甜,如板栗的口感,香甜软糯,非常适合作为宝宝的辅食佳品,和牙不好的老人做餐食。皮薄易剥。 
Sanbai Mountain, is a stretch of rolling peaks on the southeast border of Anyuan County, the source of Dongjiang River, supplying drinking water to Guangdong and Hong Kong residents. The AAAA National Tourist Attraction, also national scenic area, forest park, is first listed among ecological education demonstration bases of "Mother River Preservation", accredited as the sole tourist attraction nationwide of "tracing to the source" significance to Hong Kong compatriots.The scenic spot, sprawling 197 km2, offers the core sighting of 98 km2. Its six wonders embrace "source waterfall group, 300 peaks, deep ravines with dangerous shoals, high mountains with lakes, primitive forest sea and volcanic landform". Additionally, 100-odd spots of natural scenery and cultural landscape are dotted about in its five tourist areas, including Fuao Pond, Butterfly Grand Canyon (Jiuquxi), Dongfeng Lake, Yangtian Lake, and Spike Peak Brush.Its reputation as "summer resort", or "natural oxygen bar" is thanks to its forest coverage rate of 98%, exuberant wildlife, a plentiful concentration of negative ion in the air, 100,000/cm3 at the highest, as well as average annual temperature of 15.1℃, 23.3℃ on average in summer.Scenic Area of Fuao PondScenic Area of Fuao Pond, literally blessed turtle pond, 850m above sea level, is also renowned as "The Volcano Jade Pool". The lake retains water in an ancient crater, resembling a legendary turtle with a dragon’s head and a fish’s body. As a lively legend goes, the turtle pacifies the volcano, allowing peaceful living of surrounding villagers, hence the saying "the fairy carp leaps over the dragon gate, incarnated into a turtle suppressing the volcano". Spanning 14.83 km2, the Area has main scenic spots like Fuao Pond,The Grandest Waterfall in Dong River, Siyuan Tripod,Sanbai Mountain's Forest Sea, Aerial Stand,Glass Viewing Stand, Tianyin Wondrous Pine, Manyun Plank Road, Glass Cable Bridge, Aerial Stand,Sword-tip Peak, to name a few.The Grandest Waterfall in Dong RiverThe Grandest Waterfall in Dong River, also labeled as Fuao Pond Falls, gets its renown as the Grandest Waterfall in Dong River originating from "Dongjiangyuan" titled by Ye Xuanping, former vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) Committee. It has a fall of nearly 100 meters, with precipitous towing cliffs and high trees on both sides, extensive and joyful view of distant green mountains and the expanse of forest in its front.Siyuan TripodSiyuan Tripod, marking the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 2007, was sponsored with donations sourced from the wide community of Jiangxi, Guangdong and Hong Kong. The 4,065-ton replica from Xizhou Dynasty, 4.65 meter high, reveals the implication of 465 kilometers from here to Hong Kong, with 330 cm in diameter referring to the homophony of Sanbai Mountain, namely Sanbai Mountain.Dripping GuanyinThe statue of Dripping Guanyin is amiable and solemn in appearance, holding a water bottle in its left hand and a willow branch in its right hand. Bodhisattva stands on the lake bank of Dongjiangyuan in Sanbai Mountain, opposite to Siyuan Tripod, spreading sweet dew to the common people under heaven. The statue is 11.69m high in total, commensurate with the elevation of the main peak. Its main body is 9.36m high, plus the 2.33m high lotus base. Its pattern and technique are in line with the doctrine of Buddhism, possessing characteristics of aesthetics, architecture, sculpture and Buddhist figure art of times.Manyun Plank RoadThe hardcore scenic spot across mountains stretches 3,166 m, including 80 m glass plank trail, starting with Fuao Pond, through Aerial Stand, Tianyin Wondrous Pine, and Sword-tip Peak, to Bamboo Grove parking lot. Overlooking from afar, the plank path high up in the cloud winds its way across the mountain like a hanging belt. A walk on it affords a panoramic view of natural scenery in the northwest of Sanbai Mountain, in particular, the towering wavy trees all around. Once treading on it, tourists can have a feast of sighting on continuous summits, fabulous trees, a sea of clouds and roaring waterfalls.Glass Viewing StandThe Glass Viewing Stand acts as an amazing platform to admire the breath-taking scenery of Sanbai Mountain, apart from experiencing unique adventure onto it.Glass Chain BridgeThe overpass of glass, the longest glass cable bridge of all time across Jiangxi, straddles 330 m, with a mere width of 2.5 m and a whopping height of 198 m, as if being supported high up in the clouds, definitely a wonderland on earth.Monkey Valley (under development)Taihang macaque, which belongs to the family of Old World monkey, order of Primates in evolutionary system, listed as State Second-Class Protected Animal. The monkeys are strong, with long hair, short tail and handsome body, gathering in large group, good at climbing, leaping, quickly-moving, and imitating. As the most evolved train among macaques, these monkeys are amusing, interesting and interactive, the most popular tourism projects at present across the world.Peacock Park (under development)Peacock, anciently called phoenix, respected as king of all birds throughout history, has profoundly associated with human evolvement, holding a persistent all-time fame ranging from art, legend, literature to religion, highly acclaimed as a blessed, harmonious and happy bird.Dongfeng Lake Scenic SpotThe Dongfeng lake, a medium-scale reservoir constructed at the source of Dongjiangyuan in 1965, holds a 47.4 m-high dam, with its crest arc being 113.8 m long. The whole water body contains a capacity of 11 million m3, extending roughly 4 km from east to west, 50-120 m from south to north. The lake scenic area embraces Dongfeng Lake, together with mountainous regions on both sides, covering 9.44 km2, along which suffuse emerald hills and green trees. The highlights here go as follows, Flying Rainbow Over Gorge, General Chair, General Cliff, Temple of Three Heroes, Guanyin's Bless of Birth, Hanfeng Beach, Ms. Wang Herding Horses,Lover Tree, among others. Hopping onto a boat towards the voyage around the mountains, visitors can savour the landscape to their hearts’ content, as if in a haven of peace, tasting the epic charm of "boating on ripples, traveling in paintings".Zigzag Eighteen Beach Scenic SpotZigzag Eighteen Beach Scenic Spot Scenic Spot, refers to a stream converging hundreds of creeks in Sanbai Mountain, specially the stretch of waterfront before emptying into Dongfeng Lake. Its course is full of twists and turns bypassing mountains, in particular a few grand curves, leaving shallow shoals or deep ponds one by one. Along either side, spread erecting peaks and luxuriant forests, sending the visual space the more obstructive with going inside further, unable to perceive water flowing. The fascinating spots contain Breast-Like Peaks, Shiyi Flying Spring, Fishhook Pool, Surfacing Giant Mussel, Finger Cliff, Sacred Alligator Lake and more.
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